Thursday, August 16, 2007

Listening is not understanding.

Today I'm mad. And now I'll rant.

I have often been accused of being too private, not sharing my thoughts and feelings with those closest to me. It's true. So, I honestly believe I've made a concerted effort to expose my inner self. However, I'm a little disappointed by those around me who haven't made a decent effort to understand. Sure, you'll listen, but listening doesn't always equate to understanding.

What irritates me the most is that look, that idiotic look of disbelief that screams 'I'm too stupid to understand what you're telling me and so I'll look at you like you're not telling me the truth or am not being truthful to yourself'. If you don't get it then ask more questions, but don't insult me or condescend to me because you're too structured to think beyond anything you believe to be acceptable.

So I've decided, if you expect openness you must first prove your capability of being open minded.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Me, a Buddhist? No way!

Until now I have hapily agreed when asked if I was a Buddhist, for no other reason than avoiding long and pointless discussions trying to explain a belief system that's not grounded in anything society has defined. Yes, a few of my beliefs share similarities with Buddhism so the misperception isn't unwarranted. However, the label has become offensive now because I've realized that the Buddhism everyone is referring to has no grounding in the true nature of the faith. Instead it is defined by a bunch of yuppies who drive expensive cars, own excessive forms of shelter and believe they are Buddhist because they discuss 'spirituality' and their yoga/meditation classes over $10 cappucinos. So, by any original or modified definition of the faith, I AM NOT A BUDDHIST!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


If you have a chance, read the Alberta Wilderness Association's August publication of their Wildland Advocate magazine. It's free and they published my short letter to the editor detailing my spectacular canoe trip through Lakeland provincial park. Of course nothing's ever perfect in a society that disregards nature and so it includes a little observation about speed boats and their negative impact on the environment. Regardless of whether the topic interests you or not, you should still check it out because it's my first published writing and I'm proud.

Update: The article can be found on the association's web site,