Sunday, April 10, 2011

You aren't who you think we are

I feel lucky that I have people in my life who aren't afraid to step outside the realm of polite or safe conversation. I appreciate those who enjoy exchanging philosophical rants or a heated round of respectful debate. Or, who aren't afraid to open up and express their deepest fears and desires. People who tell me I'm 'wrong' but are willing to accept with an open mind when I tell them the same. I learn so much from them and, even though things may get uncomfortable, I appreciate that they find value in exposing their ignorance, feelings, desires, or fears.

I make no apologies for my excessive want of complex conversation. Although it may come across as snobish, my motiviation is not so much self centered but more self evolving. The truth is I am uncomfortable when my world becomes too comfortable. One can get arrogant when not forced to challenge their own status quo. Creating an unchanging identity with opinions set in stone and judgements based on ignorance simply strokes one's own ego and allows them to radiate a sense of false happiness and certainty in an uncertain and scary world.

It's difficult with a lot of people to get to the point where you exchange more than just comments about the weather and polite formalities as not to offed. Some people are just more comfortable with shallow banter and it doesn't matter how much time you spend with them you never can REALLY know them. There are people in my life I have known for years that and have no idea what they really think or feel. These are my aquaintances.

When it comes to personal growth, I particularly relish the opportunity to meet new people because even the usual crowd can get too comfortable. It is new encounters that especially force me to step outside my comfort zone because they bring to my world a completely different way of looking at things. However, it is difficult breaking through the walls that most people put up to protect the person they have become. I feel sorry for those that believe they have nothing left to learn and don't realize the potential for personal growth when you put down your defences and dare to challenge your own truth by getting inside someone elses head. Absorbing all their experiences, questioning their values vs. yours, being influenced by their ideals, challenging and being challenged by another truth, understanding and learning from their reality. I understand that change can be difficult. That challenging yourself and questioning false truths can be quite depressing. But, if you simply accept that 'you are who you are' then you'll only experience life in one way. How boring.


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