Monday, July 09, 2007

I rhyme good

Now that I am fairly certain that nobody's reading this anymore I'm opening myself up by telling the world that I've posted some poetry online which can be found here,

Thursday, July 05, 2007


I've been working from home the past few months and it wasn't until the distasteful experience of going downtown on the c-train did I realize that suburban life suits me. Obviously working in my pajamas and flexible hours are huge factors contributing to my satisfaction. However, the cheerful housewives at my gym in the afternoon and stress free weekday afternoon grocery shopping trips are cetainly more pleasurable than the singing drunks on the c-train, frustrated drivers swearing from car windows while sitting in downtown traffic or the high stressed businessmen/women fighting for more wealth. Now, I just gotta figure out a way of keeping my suburban bliss while staying away from having to get married, popping out kids, hosting Mary Kay parties and lawn mowing.