Sunday, August 23, 2009

Lazy lovers. Lazy song writing!

Heard this song on the radio called 'Lazy Lovers' and it was so irritating that I had to blog about it. Since when does repeating the same words over and over again for 2 minutes with varying loudness and strength deserve air play? Ewwww, everytime I even think about this song I shiver with the disturbing memory of hearing it and am scared about turning on the radio for fear of hearing it again.

To balance things out, check out this awesome song with a superb video!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Shittiest week ever

Apologies to anyone who's had the misfortune of my company this week. I am not having the best week and apparently haven't been dealing very well because I'm taking it out on other people. Please understand that I am grumpy for these following reasons:

1. With this crazy work deadline approaching I've been working a lot and not getting much sleep and am therefore very irritable. Everyone at work's stressed and snappy with each other which just adds tension.

2. On Wednesday morning the ignorant janitor at my gym raved about Brass Pro shop, declared he does not believe in environmental conservation, and thinks that the extinction of animals is a complete fallacy. The massacre of 12 black bears in northern Alberta is still playing on my mind and so I lost it. That evening I had a good cry with rogue.

3. The ridiculous Cross Iron Mills mall opened this week and consumers all around me are jumping with joy. Again at my gym this morning the receptionist told me about her trip there last night. I'm through being polite and I told her exactly what I thought about it. She didn't understand. My coworker was justifying it as smart urban planning. He doesn't understand. I hate my generation.

The saddest thing is my week started out specular with family visiting from sri lanka. We had such a blast on monday and tuesday, laughing late into the night. It's just the past three days that turned this week bad. Tonight I'm hanging out with sympathetic friends around a fire pit so here's hoping the weekend brightens up.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'm a pirate, arg!

I refuse to pay money for cable seeing as my 20" crt television gets turned on a couple times a month if it's lucky. I do however appreciate a good show when I happen to stumble upon one. To me it's like any art form, there is the interesting stuff that's obviously generated from talent, ingenuity and hard work, and then there is that other cookie cutter wanna-be bullshit. Without cable, I can only watch shows by downloading them using the internet. Yes, piracy is illegal. But, like other laws, that are meant more to coordinate society or benefit capitalist crooks, I'm not entirely convinced that downloading for personal viewing is wrong. I'm not entirely convinced it's right either.

What I am convinced of is Canadians spend entirely too much time watching and talking about TV shows and not nearly enough time volunteering, getting exercise, learning, talking to their children, or bettering themselves. That's my OPINION and I refuse to throw good money after bad by investing in cable.

While this deviant ponders the rights and wrongs of downloading I highly recommend checking out 30 Rock. It's a fantastic show that I have recently become addicted to.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Meeting interesting people

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Bob and Tucker Mertens. You've probably never heard of them before because they haven't graced the cover of some tabloid magazine or been on a reality TV show, however they are a couple of really interesting people. Bob, and his son Tucker, are biking across Canada to raise money for Amnesty International and bring awareness to the atrocities that Amnesty works hard to fight. The trip didn't start out with such noble intentions. Bob, an avid traveler and biker, has been thinking about biking across Canada for years now. It was his 15 year old son Tucker that suggested making the trip a fundraiser. Pretty spectacular considering most teenagers are so engrossed in TV, text messaging and their social calendar, they are completely unaware or disinterested in global affairs. It was a very enjoyable evening, hanging out on a friend's deck on a warm evening, eating great food, and getting to hear about their trip. Check out their blog,

At one point in the evening we got on the subject of the ratio of men to women adventure travelers. Unfortunately men trump women, which is disappointing to this female blogger. Can't say I'm an adventurer per se but I do have ideas/dreams. Most involve sailing. Hmmm....maybe it my gender, not my laziness and procrastination that's been holding be back all these years. Phew! Kidding aside, Nicole and I are squashing societal enforced gender roles and planning a bike trip across eastern Canada. Right Niko?! :-)