Every night before bed I perform a mental recap of the ending day. Reviewing experiences and lessons learned. But nowadays there is one extra thought before my eyes close, "I should update the blog". Unfortunately sleep wins and I'm in dreamland before my brain can summon my tired hands into action.
There are many things I wish that you could have known since the last entry. Weird and wonderful events, happy and sad occurances, strange ponderings, fun ideas, and those unplanned happenings that make life worth talking about. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could choose someone to observe our life and blog for us. A literary talent who could weave a slightly exaggerated and extraordinary tale to carry forward the legacy of a life otherwise forgotten. A magical and heroic adventure by the likes of Tolkien or a rich and complex fantasy similar to Carroll's genius. But until someone steps forward and volunteers their time, I'll make a better effort of blogging more frequently about a life that hopefully, and without exageration, is without regret and something to be proud about.
(Drop a comment as I'm curious who you'd choose to write your blog)