I am a robot. Must have blog.
After much persistence I am finally creating a blog for public viewing, well aware of what will happen next. A few interested parties will visit here after I spam them via email. They may even return once or twice before losing interest. I will continue to post for weeks, maybe months, perhaps years with the slightest hope that one other soul finds my life even the slightest bit interesting.
Now, here is where things get a little fuzzy.
Time will pass (much too quickly) and either nuclear war will destroy this blog or I'll get married and happily settle down in my ticky tacky house with 2.5 kids, never to blog again.
But perhaps, one day, my arthritic hands will find themselves back here to reminisce over what is about to be told.
Now, here is where things get a little fuzzy.
Time will pass (much too quickly) and either nuclear war will destroy this blog or I'll get married and happily settle down in my ticky tacky house with 2.5 kids, never to blog again.
But perhaps, one day, my arthritic hands will find themselves back here to reminisce over what is about to be told.