Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Countdown to San Francisco

I realize that 7 weeks is far too early to start a countdown but these days it's all I've got. I've been in a serious rut for months now and thinking about getting away is lifting my spirits. Besides, having something real to look forward to sure beats daydreaming about permanently escpaping to somewhere warm where somehow life is miracously perfect.

This sharp decline in attitude started in October around the same time as the first snow fall. Coincidence? I don't think so. Winter usually gets me down but this one seems to be worse. I barely get to the gym and tennis, beautiful tennis, has become a chore. My blog posts are far too infrequent and my other writing projects are collecting dust. My music goals have been temporarily shelved. The only thing that brings me joy is my nephews. Thank God for them!

It all boils down to having a bad attitude (and a vitamin D deficiency, according to my doctor). The vitamin D thing can be easily corrected and is apparently a common problem for people who live in climates that don't offer a lot of sun exposure. The bad attitude problem is going to take some work because I've always suffered from an irritating (to others) and unjustified case of negativity. I have no excuse really because I often meet people who have faced actual harships and horrible tragedies in their lives yet they have an amazing attitude. I admire that. I aspire towards that.


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