Friday, December 11, 2009

Winter's a little less sucky, but it still really sucks

Last Thursday I purchased a set of winter tires for the very first time. I honestly thought it was a bunch of hype designed by tire manufacturers to make money. I was wrong. I can't believe the difference it has made and I'm feeling a lot more confident on the roads.

For me, the worst part of winter is defintely the driving. It is a very stressful task and I develop this massive knot between my shoulder blades every winter. I can't relax behind the steering wheel, driving in hightened alert mode, hunched forward with shoulders raised, looking for patches of ice and out of control cars while praying the traffic light doesn't turn yellow when I am too close to the intersection to hit my brakes yet too far to go through. And so, with my new winter tires, and sense of my car gripping the road instead of gliding on air, I am actually enjoying winter a little more now.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still not converted into one those winter lovers (yes, they actually do exist). And judging by the amount of whining around me, I'm realizing I'm not alone in my dislike of this awful season. I hear it everywhere, in elevators, at work, at social gatherngs, everyone bitching like it's their first winter experience. Complaining about the slippery road conditions, the ridiculously low temperatures, the extra time and effort involved in layering up before going outside, and about their lost mittens. It makes me sad thinking about all of the gloves and mittens out there without their matching halfs.

There was a moment when my eyes tranistioned from the optimism of a child to the cynasim of an adult, and since then I have hated winter. Despite many years in Canada, winter hasn't grown on me the least bit. It's dirty and cold and a completely unnatural climate for human beings given our fur-less state. So, I continue to complain...I miss my flip flops, I miss the soft feel of grass underneath my feet, I miss the sun, I miss vitamin D, and I miss roads that aren't covered in ice.


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