Saturday, October 17, 2009

Yesterday's Halo

Mark Berube and the Patriotic Few were amazing on Friday night. Along with Jon Amor and the Lee Harvey Osmond band, they rocked SAIT's Gateway Bar and Lounge. We scored awesome seats five feet from the stage. With a love seat and some leather chairs, we declared it the VIP section and got comfortable.

I first became a fan of Mark Berube et al. when I saw them at the Calgary folk festival last summer. There is something about Mark's voice that really caught my attention. Here's one of my favorite songs so you too can experience their awesomeness;

Of course Lee Harvey Osmond had everyone engaged with their self declared style of acid folk. No surprise there. But we were pleasantly surprised by Jon Amor, an artist from the UK we hadn't heard before. With his witty lyrics and crazy guitar playing he held our attention throughout his entire set.

All in all, it was another fantastic adventure in live music. That was until sober me tried to engage my drunken friends in a debate about the unnatural images of beauty that society bombards women with. It was quite farsical, with them slurring their sentences and me getting visibly frustrated. I'm not sure who started the conversation but I was happy it ended when I dropped off my irritating but lovable and goofy drunken friends to continue their night at another bar.


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