Monday, September 07, 2009

I Love September

Can't say I'm disappointed to see this summer end. It has been mediocre at best because I've been working like crazy. Thankfully September's finally here, oh how I love September. Not only does it mark the beginning of theatre season but I have also started the countdown to the International Film Festival.

The film festival is by far my favorite Calgary event and it is not uncommon for me to see 20 films over its 10 day span. Didn't volunteer this year and I'm quite sure I am not going to be volunteering for CIFF again because the festival’s growing in size and there is too much bureaucracy now. I enjoyed volunteering in the early days when there were maybe 10 people running the show and everyone knew everyone. That's when it was purely about the art and love of filmmaking and less about scoring the most popular movies or lining up 'famous' names.

This year's theatre season is looking mighty fine and I'm kicking it off with Marie Chouinard's 'Orpheus and Eurydice'. The last time her dance company was in town was about four years ago.
I'm eager to see what beautiful weirdness she's got in store for us this time around.

Ah yes, September. The (far too brief) magic of changing leaves and a foreseeable completion of the idiotic work project that destroyed summer. Is it wrong to love a month so much?


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