Monday, October 05, 2009

An unsatisfying vacation

Started a two week vacation last Monday with great expectations. Here is a recap of how it is going so far.

Tuesday, September 29th - In the evening I checked my work email and learned that the university has laid of 25% of their IT staff that morning. Spent the night pacing in my condo, wondering if I had a job to go back to. Fuckers!

Wednesday, September 30th - After no sleep, I went to the gym. My tennis coach lectured me about flu season and needing sleep. I shrugged it off. That night I got sick. Talked to my boss and found out that I still have a job but, and I quote, 'there is another round of lay offs in the new year'. Bastards!

October 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th - Sick! Saw a few movies at the film festival, which didn't do much for my current physical state, but mentally was very fulfilling.

October 5th - Dragged my ass to the gym and attempted a tennis lesson and workout. It was awful and my lungs burned the whole time. Went to work, even though I am still on holiday, to help with a technical problem. Went home and slept the entire day while replaying in my mind the list of things I was going to get done while on vacation.

Regardless, I'm lucky that I have a job to return to, and so I really can't complain. However, I am going to complain about the gross mismanagement at the university. How do you ever get to the point, in a publicly funded institution, when you have to lay off %25 of a department. These are peoples lives their fucking with, all those upper management idiots without forseight, who take 6 figure salaries and million dollar pesions. The majority of them got promoted based on years of service and nothing to do with their abilities. After being at the univerity for over a year now I'm learning a lot about their complete lack of business sense. You poor tax payers, blissfully paying taxes while other people are squandering your hard earned money.

Some holiday. Here's hoping the remaining week picks up a little.


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