Saturday, April 11, 2009

For example

In support of my previous post I am going to review the last two theatre performances I attended. First there was the Old Trout's play The Erotic Anguish of Don Juan. Since learning that the Trouts, a locally based puppet theatre company, were coming out with another play, I waited in eager anticipation. Having seen, and thoroughly enjoyed, their past four performances, I was positive that they wouldn't disappoint. I was wrong. In the past couple of years the company has gained national recognition and success. Apparently, increased fame and having their puppets appear in the latest Feist video gives them the right to triple ticket prices, use larger and less effective venues to make more money, and slack off when it comes to providing the same depth of story writing they have provided in the past.

The other show I saw recently was Martin Sexton performing at the University Theatre. I'm not really a fan of his recorded stuff but as a live performer he's amazing. The sounds he's capable of producing with a guitar are extraordinary, and even though it's only him on stage, at times it seems there are multiple instruments being played simultaneously. His vocal range is remarkable and my favorite part of the concert was when he had the entire audience quietly singing 'hallelujah' over and over again as he worked his magic. And although he's super popular and widely admired he's still able to put on an amazing show for a mere $30 using one of the smaller and more intimate theatres Calgary has to offer.


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