Friday, March 13, 2009

Oh Oscar, you're so wild(e)

Although I've seen Oscar Wilde's play 'An Ideal Husband' twice already in other cities and venues, I couldn't resist going again when I saw that Theatre Calgary was performing it. The witty dialogue and insights into society's quirks was every bit as brilliant as I remember. Also, because it is set in late 19th century England, the set and costume design, when done well, can be quite stimulating.

I was a little nervous going to the play last night because I had convinced a couple friends to pay $50 per person and come along based on my recommendation alone and so my reputation was at stake. However, I forgot about them when the play started and I got swept away into the English Victorian era.

I was happy to return to the modern age during intermission and learn my companions were also thoroughly enjoying themselves. So here's to another terrific evening out, despite fighting a cold, as I got to see a wonderful play and left with reputation unharmed.


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