Thursday, January 01, 2009

WHAT? Another year's starting already?!

Goodbye 2008 and hello 2009. Another year's over and once again I'm evaluating too much, and as usual, my yearly evaluation tends towards the negative. I'm thinking about the following,

1. I haven't updated this blog more often even though I keep thinking I should
2. My piano playing is as sucky as the previous year
3. I am still living out of boxes and haven't hung anything on my walls
4. I really miss travelling and can't believe it's been 7 months since returning to calgary

Stop. New year's resolution, let us focus on the positive stuff.

1. Nephews, Newphews, Nephews. Just knowing these beautiful dudes makes everything else insignificant
2. I'm kicking some serious ass on the tennis court. My games showing some significant improvements and I am really excited about where it is heading.
3. Damo and Nicole threw the best new year's eve party ever and it was a terrific way to bring in another year

Have a wonderful year everyone!


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