Thursday, September 14, 2006

A damsel not in distress

I ran into a bit of a dilemma the other day that I would like to share with you.

As the sun set I was driving west on Crowchild trail when the front left wheel went flat. I slowly pulled over to the shoulder listening to the exposed rim make awful sounds against the road.

This isn't the dilemma.

It was raining and cold and I had left my jacket at home because I was only travelling a short distance. Also the shoulder was covered in mud because of nearby construction.

No dilemma here yet.

My trunk was packed solid with recycling so I had to empty it and throw eveything in my back seat.

I'm still dilemma free.

The butterly nut on the spare was unreasonably tight and my cold hands cried as I pried it off. The elevation screw on the jack was stuck and my already sore hands worked hard to lossen it.

Not even close to being a dilemma.

Finally with all the equipment in place I readied myself to change the tire. Suddenly a kind stranger pulled over to see if I needed help.


You see the guy was guite handsome and so I was hurdled into a mental ball of confusion with a split decision to make. Should I play damsel in distress and let him come to my rescue which could possibly turn into something else or let my internal feminist prove that I'm an independent woman that can take care or myself. Ahhhh!!!!

Well folks, the feminist won and my prince in shining armour drove away leaving this prideful woman to change the tire herself. Cold and muddy I drove home numberless and sure that my actions made no change whatsover in the female sexes fight to be recognized as strong individuals who don't need men so do everything that requires the slightest bit of muscle power. Sigh.


Blogger Damo said...

Did you ever think that this wasnt a moment to prove you were a feminist? I think it was more about whether one accepts the kindness of strangers or not...the fact that you are a woman and he was a man was merely coincidental.

I think you are implying that there is always some other motivation for helping others besides altruism.

Point is, if I saw a dood in your situation and I stopped to offer help, would he think that I was gay or just a nice guy offering to help someones who needs a hand?

5:10 PM  
Blogger Damo said...

Addendeum, whatever happened to:

The Good Sammy

We miss her!

5:18 PM  
Blogger sammy said...

Valid point and there are probably 1 MILLION ways I could choose to see the situtation. One of the likely ones you have already mentioned. But in the light of creativity and keeping it interesting I'm choosing the version that provides self growth, personal challenge and a method for fighting the 'supression of man'. Fun!

No implications here. Altrusim is alive and well. It's debatable whether or not it can be applied here. Would the dude have stopped if I was a man? Or if there was a blizzard and it was -40?

P.S. Let me point out that Damo is a MALE. Hmmmm.

3:02 PM  
Blogger Damo said...

And a damn sexy one at that!

10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Hussain. I burst out laughing at this one and almost covered my desk in coke!
Listen, if a girl had come by and offered to help me change a tire, I would have totally accepted! Why? 2 reasons. 1. I get some help changing a tire. 2. Nothing sexier than a damsel helping the distressed while covered in grease ;) Ok no seriously, the fact that the guy was of the opposite sex was a bonus. Isn't that what girls always ask? How do I meet nice guys? Well when one pulls over to help you change your tire, it makes it pretty easy...

8:42 PM  

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