Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Stinky heat

This morning's chill forced me to crank the temperature dial in my car from all green to all red. A yearly ritual that takes place around the same time and is a sure sign that summer is coming to an end. As my car filled with that heater smell that usually eminates when you haven't used it in a long time I reminisced about what a terrific summer it has been.

I won't recap everything as the important events have already been documented. The past four months have been super busy and although I didn't accomplish everything I planned it was still jammed packed with events. Two things in the way of self growth are worth bragging about. The first being the vast improvement in my golf game. It seems that golfing once a week regularly really does improve one's score. Who knew?! Secondly, I've come full circle and found my spiritual footing again. Somehow in the last couple of years I lost what I spent a lifetime building up. Through constant meditation and self reflection I've grounded myself and returned to the values and morals I once lived by. Finally, peace!!

Shit, it's starting to get a little too serious around here. Last weekend I managed one more camping trip before the campgrounds closed and it was fantastic! Zaman spent his first nights in the mountain and had his best sleep ever. He was so adorable all bundled up in the tent. Even the exploding coke can wasn't enough to wake him from his slumber.

I'm feeling a little exhausted these days just because the summer has been so eventful. I have 4 weeks of holiday I need to use before the end of the year so a short term hibernation doesn't seem like a bad idea. Unfortunately, the list of things to accomplish over the winter months is continuosly growing. :-)


Blogger Nicole said...

and it's just starting to warm up down under. just in time for us to go back home and freeze!

dont worry bout the cat freaking out with the sax - crank it up and let her groove to the high squelches.

2:22 AM  

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