Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Samina's movie corner


DON'T SEE MIAMI VICE (or anything else 'hollywood' that's in the theatres)

I'm serious. If you are thinking of going to any other movie, do not. Go to see 'Little Miss Sunshine' instead. Even if you have already seen it, see it again. Tell everyone you know to go and see it. Take your family, friends, coworkers, dog, cat, acquaintance, lover, ex-lover, mistress (mister?), heck, just pick up someone off the street and take them.

If you hate it, I'd be curious to know why so post a comment or leave nasty messages on my answering machine. If you like/adore it then post a comment or leave kind messages on my answering machine reiterating how wonderful I am.

I don't really care. Just go and see the movie now!


Blogger Nicole said...

I gave up listening to samina movie advice when you told me you hated the very unhollywood movie "Sideways!"

2:28 AM  
Blogger sammy said...

That's too bad because you're going to miss out on a great flick. :-) Even 'unhollywood' has it's bad days, I can think of many including Sideways which was super overrated.

6:23 AM  

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